Author’s Intention


Displaying IMG_3777.JPG We learn about spelling and grammar by using mentor sentences.  We learn how, as an author, you can make authorly decisions.  You can purposefully break a rule to get a point across or to play with language.  I would like to believe that my son was making a purposeful decision with the store list.

Does he mean Colby cheese?  Or does he mean Kobe cheese as in KKKKKOOOOOOOOBBBEEEEE!?

He is a sports fanatic, and by the way he wrote his special cheese on the store list, it wouldn’t take long for most to figure that out. He is a young author with the purpose of spreading Kobe cheer for all to see and hear.

Now about the speggiti and mb…..


4 thoughts on “Author’s Intention”

  1. I have saved so much of my kids’ early writings as they have those unintended double meanings hidden in the spelling. Hang on to that list!


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